Coronavirus Investigation News – Race Virus 201 – Part 12


 90% of Israel’s most serious COVID patients are unvaccinated – Health Ministry (Debated)

SEPTEMBER 11, 2021

CDC shows unvaccinated individuals are 11 times more likely to die of COVID-19 

Vaccines likely to be approved for kids 5-11 before the end of the year



COVID in Israel: The 17% unvaccinated make up 60% of deaths this week (Debated)


More than 60 percent of COVID-related deaths in Israel over the past week have been of unvaccinated patients, as official Health Ministry data shows that the 17 percent of eligible Israelis who have not received the vaccine have accounted for 85 coronavirus deaths in the past week.


Vaccinations and COVID-19 – Data for Israel

February 08, 2021


{Many people question if some type of Nazi eugenics program or a Communist eugenics program was behind COVID-19.

Keep in mind that eugenics can be used for good purposes such as for medicine, eugenics can also be used for bad purposes. 

What are some opinions of people who support the culling of the masses through bad vaccines. Keep in mind that we do not agree with some of the following statements}.



{The problem with calling for a reduction of the population is that it can go either way and also harm the white population of people.

It appears that the vaccines are killing white people and white Aryan Europeans even. This is why I could not be in support of indiscriminate killing with vaccines. It appears that more whites are getting the COVID-19 vaccines, many blacks and brown minorities are refusing to now get the COVID-19 vaccine.

I do not think that random killing through vaccines is a good thing and that we have lost a lot of high IQ people and whites with bad vaccines.

At this rate it looks like the communists will be creating a one world race of low IQ subhumans through bad vaccines.

This is why I am in favor of being open about a selective eugenics program and hand select which people should be allowed to breed. This is why Germany wanted the government to approve of who should have children, this was to make sure that couples were not inbreeding or passing on dysgenics traits and bad genes.

We do not hate blacks or brown people. We believe that if we must choose between a one world white light skinned race or a darker black skinned race, that we would be in favor of a whiter skinned race of people as much as possible.

A good example is that if I were to have an Oriental Asian race, I would make Oriental Asians white skinned, I would also fix some features such as some brachycephalic conditions in their face and make them look more European.

I would want to phase out the lower IQ brown Skinned Pacific Islanders in Asia that have ghost DNA. 

We like white light skinned Asians more than brown skinned Pacific Islanders with more Ghost DNA for genetics.

It appears that the darkest skinned races are dying of COVID-19 the most, how can we promote a one world race of darker skinned people that may have more problems with COVID in the future.

I have been trying to reduce the population of blacks, and Pacific Islanders with this ghost DNA for many years. This is to make a future white skinned race and to not promote that many lower IQ Pacific Islanders as the future race. We should be promoting white light skinned people as the majority future race of humanity. We should continue to promote a future light white skinned race of people that are more resistant to COVID. Many researchers predict that people will have the ability to choose the eye color, hair color and race of their children, where they could even design people with the CCR5 gene and other types of genes to be more resistant to certain pathogens}. 


Genetic Engineering Now Allows Parents to Select the Gender and Eye Color of Their Children

Feb 5, 2016


Genetics of Your Future Children Can Be Determined

October 30, 2015


Get Ready for Genetically Modified Kids

April 25, 2015


 William Shockley

William Bradford Shockley Jr. (February 13, 1910 – August 12, 1989) was an American physicist and inventor. He was the manager of a research group at Bell Labs that included John Bardeen and Walter Brattain. The three scientists were jointly awarded the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics for “their researches on semiconductors and their discovery of the transistor effect”.

Partly as a result of Shockley’s attempts to commercialize a new transistor design in the 1950s and 1960s, California’s “Silicon Valley” became a hotbed of electronics innovation. In his later life, while a professor of electrical engineering at Stanford University, Shockley became a proponent of eugenics. A 2019 study in the journal Intelligence found him to be the second-most controversial (behind Arthur Jensen) intelligence researcher among 55 persons covered.

Views on race and eugenics

After Shockley left his role as director of Shockley Semiconductor, he joined Stanford University, where in 1963 he was appointed the Alexander M. Poniatoff Professor of Engineering and Applied Science, in which position he remained until his retirement as professor emeritus in 1975. In this position, Shockley became interested in questions of race, human intelligence, and eugenics. He thought this work was important to the genetic future of the human species and he came to describe it as the most important work of his career, even though expressing his views damaged his reputation. Shockley argued that a higher rate of reproduction among the less intelligent was having a dysgenic effect, and that a drop in average intelligence would ultimately lead to a decline in civilization. He also claimed that blacks were genetically inferior to whites on an intellectual level. For example, in a debate with psychiatrist Frances Cress Welsing M.D. and on Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr.:

My research leads me inescapably to the opinion that the major cause of the American Negro’s intellectual and social deficits is hereditary and racially genetic in origin and, thus, not remediable to a major degree by practical improvements in the environment.

Shockley’s writings and lectures on this topic were partly based on the writings of psychologist Cyril Burt and were funded by the Pioneer Fund. Shockley also proposed that individuals with IQs below 100 be paid to undergo voluntary sterilization. Anthropologist Roger Pearson defended Shockley in a self-published book co-authored with Shockley. University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee professor Edgar G. Epps argued that “William Shockley’s position lends itself to racist interpretations”.

In 1981, Shockley filed a libel suit in Atlanta against the Atlanta Constitution after a science writer, Roger Witherspoon, compared Shockley’s advocacy of a voluntary sterilization program to Nazi human experimentation. The suit took three years to go to trial. Shockley won the suit but received only one dollar in damages and no punitive damages. Shockley’s biographer Joel Shurkin, a science writer on the staff of Stanford University during those years, sums this up as saying that the statement was defamatory, but Shockley’s reputation was not worth much by the time the trial reached a verdict. Shockley taped his telephone conversations with reporters, and then sent the transcript to them by registered mail. At one point he toyed with the idea of making them take a simple quiz on his work before discussing the subject with them. His habit of saving all his papers (including laundry lists) provides abundant documentation for researchers on his life.

Shockley was a candidate for the Republican nomination in the 1982 United States Senate election in California. He ran on a single-issue platform of highlighting the “dysgenic threat” of some racial groups, including African-Americans, to American society. He came in eighth place in the primary, receiving 8,308 votes and 0.37% of the vote.


Nazi racial theories

The Nazi Party adopted and developed several hypotheses concerning their concept of race. Classifications of human races were made and various measurements of population samples were carried out during the 1930s and ’40s.

Aryan: Nordic and Germanic

Hitler made references to an “Aryan race” founding a superior type of humanity. The purest stock of Aryans according to Nazi ideology was the Nordic people of Germany, England, the Netherlands and Scandinavia. The Nazis defined Nordics as being identified by tall stature (average 175 cm), long faces, prominent chins, narrow and straight noses with a low bridge, lean builds, doliocephalic skulls, straight light hair, light eyes, and fair skin. The Nazis claimed that Germanic people specifically represented a southern branch of the Aryan-Nordic population. The Nazis did not consider all Germans to be of the Nordic type (which predominated the north), and stated that Germany also had a large “Alpine” population (identified by, among other features, lower stature, stocky builds, flatter noses, and higher incidences of darker hair and eyes). Hitler and Nazi racial theorist Hans F. K. Günther framed this as an issue to be corrected through selective breeding for “Nordic” traits. Hitler Youth propaganda emphasized the “Nordic” nature of Germans, with the text issued to all Hitler Youth members stating: “the principal ingredient of our people is the Nordic race (55%). That is not to say that half our people are pure Nordics. All of the aforementioned races appear in mixtures in all parts of our fatherland. The circumstance, however, that the great part of our people is of Nordic descent justifies us taking a Nordic standpoint when evaluating our character and spirit, bodily structure, and physical beauty.”

East Asian races equal to Aryans or declared “Honorary Aryan”

The Han Chinese and Japanese races were both considered the “Aryans of the East”, “Honorary Aryans” and the “Herrenvolk of the Orient” (i.e. the “Master race” of the Orient) by Nazi Germany.

In 1945, Adolf Hitler said:

Pride in one’s own race, and that does not imply contempt for other races, is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.

Adolf Hitler had allowed Han Chinese soldiers to study in German military academies and serve in the Nazi German Wehrmacht as part of their combat training. Since 1926, Germany had supported the Republic of China militarily and industrially. Germany had also sent advisers such as Alexander von Falkenhausen and Hans von Seeckt to assist the Chinese, most notably in the Chinese Civil War and China’s anti-communist campaigns. Max Bauer was sent to China and served as one of Chiang Kai-shek’s advisers. Around this time, Hsiang-hsi Kung (H. H. Kung), the Republic of China Minister of Finance, visited Nazi Germany and was warmly welcomed by Adolf Hitler on June 13, 1937. During this meeting, Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring and Hjalmar Schacht bestowed upon Hsiang-hsi Kung an honorary doctorate degree, and attempted to open China’s market to German exports. And in order to attract more Han Chinese students to study in Germany, Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring and Hjalmar Schacht earmarked for 100,000 reichsmarks for Han Chinese students studying in the universities and military academies of Nazi Germany after they persuaded a German industrialist to set aside the money for that purpose. Additionally, Hsiang-hsi Kung, in favor of commercial credits, politely refused a generous international loan offer by Adolf Hitler. The most famous of these Han Chinese Nazi soldiers was Chiang Wei-kuo, the son of Republic of China President Chiang Kai-shek, who studied military strategy and tactics at a Nazi German Kriegsschule in Munich, and subsequently achieved the rank of lieutenant and served as a soldier in the Wehrmacht on active combat duty in Europe until his return to the Republic of China during the later years of World War II.

Adolf Hitler had supported the Empire of Japan as early as 1904, when during the Russo-Japanese War it had defeated the Russians, which he considered a defeat for Austrian Slavism. He made a number of other statements expressing his respect and admiration for the Japanese in his book Mein Kampf.

Although they belonged to a different evolutionary race than the Germans did, the Han Chinese and the Imperial Japanese were both considered to have sufficiently superior qualities as were people with German-Nordic blood to warrant an alliance by Nazi ideologists such as Himmler. Himmler, who possessed a great interest in, and was influenced by, the anthropology, philosophies and pantheistic religions of East Asia, mentioned how his friend Hiroshi Ōshima, the Japanese Ambassador to Germany, believed that the noble castes in Japan, the Daimyō and the Samurai, were descended from gods of celestial origin, which was similar to Himmler’s own belief that “the Nordic race did not evolve, but came directly down from heaven to settle on the Atlantic continent.”

Karl Haushofer, a German general, geographer, and geopolitician, whose ideas may have influenced the development of Hitler’s expansionist strategies, saw Japan as the brother nation of Germany. In 1908, he was sent to Tokyo by the German Army “to study the Japanese Army and advise it as an artillery instructor. The assignment changed the course of his life and marked the beginning of his love affair with the orient. During the next four years he traveled extensively in East Asia, adding Korean, Japanese, and Mandarin to his repertoire of Russian, French, and English languages. Karl Haushofer had been a devout student of Schopenhauer, and during his stay in the Far East he was introduced to Oriental esoteric teachings.” It was based on such teachings that he came to make similar bestowals of his own upon the Japanese people, calling them the “Aryans of the East”, and even calling them the “Herrenvolk of the Orient” (i.e. the “Master race of the Orient”).

The Chinese and Japanese were still subject to Germany’s racial laws, however, which – with the exception of the 1935 Nuremberg Laws, which specifically mentioned Jews – generally applied to all “non-Aryans” although since Japanese and Chinese were given “Honorary Aryan” status these racial laws were applied to them in a more lenient manner as compared to other “non-Aryans” who were not granted “Honorary Aryan” status by Adolf Hitler. Hitler’s government began enacting the laws after taking power in 1933, and the Japanese government initially protested several racial incidents involving Japanese or Japanese-Germans that year which were then resolved by the Nazi high command by treating their Japanese allies leniently in these disputes. Especially after the collapse of Sino-German cooperation and Chinese declaration of war on Germany, Chinese nationals faced prosecution in Germany. Influential Nazi anti-Semite Johann von Leers favored excluding Japanese from the laws due both to the alleged Japanese-Aryan racial link and to improve diplomatic relations with Japan. The Foreign Ministry agreed with von Leers and sought several times between 1934 and 1937 to change the laws, but other government agencies, including the Racial Policy Office, opposed the change.

An October 1933 statement by Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath which falsely claimed in response to the Japanese protests that Japanese were exempt, however, was widely publicized and caused many in Germany, Japan, and elsewhere to believe that such an exemption existed. Instead of a broad exemption, an April 1935 decree stated that racial discrimination cases involving non-Aryans that might jeopardize German diplomatic relations—i.e., Japanese—would be dealt with individually. Decisions on such cases often took years, with those affected unable to obtain jobs or interracially marry, primarily because the German government preferred as much as possible to avoid giving exemptions. The German government often exempted more German-Japanese than it preferred in order to avoid a repeat of the 1933 controversies, and in 1934 it prohibited the German press from discussing the race laws when Japanese were involved. 


 Viruses: their extraordinary role in shaping human evolution

19th March, 2020


Top 10 Rare Diseases That Change Your Appearance

December 12, 2021


10 Viruses That Actually Help Humankind

August 13, 2018

Virus. The word is usually met with fear and understandably so. These microscopic collections of biological chemicals have been responsible for countless cases of death and sickness. The very mention of a deadly viral pandemic can send entire neighborhoods, cities, or even geographic zones into a state of sheer, frenzied panic.

Viruses are invisible to the naked eye, and they exist almost everywhere on Earth. They can infect fungi, plants, animals, and yes, humans. Some people have even speculated that viruses could pose a grave threat to the future of humanity.

However, not all viruses are bad. In fact, as we learn more about them, we are discovering that some viruses are actually quite beneficial. They have helped us in ways that we didn’t realize at first, and others pose interesting but positive possibilities for our future.

#10: Bacteriophages

Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria. They are found almost everywhere—in soil, in water, and even in the human body (mostly in our gut and mucus).

They were originally discovered in 1915 by Frederick Twort and have since become relatively famous in the field of microbiology as a therapeutic tool to help control bacterial infections.

While “phage therapy” is still under development, it is possible that it could be used in several different applications. It has already been used to treat some different types of ailments, and it shows great promise for the treatment of conditions ranging from cystic fibrosis to cancer. Some say that phage therapy also offers a viable replacement for traditional antibiotics in our age of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

#9: There Is a Virus That Gives Plants Extreme Heat Resistance

Tropical panic grass has always had the ability to grow in soil with an unusually high temperature. Researchers have since discovered that the cause behind this unique ability seems to be a virus. A fungal endophyte grows on this grass, and a virus that infects this fungus seems to be the source of this heat-resistant power.

Even more interesting, scientists attached the virus to other plants, giving them the same ability. The researchers even managed to grow tomatoes in soil as hot as 60 degrees Celsius (140 °F) without killing them.

But what happens if you remove the virus? They discovered that plants “cured” of the virus lost the ability to grow in extreme heat. Maybe that’s how the Human Torch does it.

#8: Oncolytic Virus

Cancer—a word that causes dread in nearly every person affected by this potentially life-threatening disease. Doctors have sought different treatments and cures for the disease for more than 100 years; however, new interest has shifted focus to using viruses to treat cancer. And in recent years, a small but growing number of patients have begun to benefit from this approach. Research has shown that some viruses can infect and kill tumor cells. These viruses are known as oncolytic viruses and include viruses found in nature and viruses modified in the laboratory to reproduce efficiently in cancer cells without harming healthy cells.

Oncolytic viruses have long been viewed as tools for directly killing cancer cells. But a growing body of research suggests that some oncolytic viruses may work—at least in part—by triggering an immune response in the body against the cancer. When a virus infects a tumor cell, the virus makes copies of itself until the cell bursts. The dying cancer cell releases materials, such as tumor antigens, that allow the cancer to be recognized or “seen” by the immune system. For this reason, some researchers consider oncolytic viruses to be a form of immunotherapy—a treatment that harnesses the immune system against cancer.

#7: Adenoviruses

Adenoviruses are a group of fairly common viruses. They are extremely contagious, usually cause only mild symptoms, and generally go away within a few days.

Some of them are actually quite well known. Bronchitis, pneumonia, many stomach infections, colds, croup, and even meningitis can all be found within the adenovirus family.

But researchers have also learned that one particular strain of the virus, type 52 (HAdV-52), binds to a particular type of carbohydrate found in cancer cells. This creates some interesting possibilities for virus-based cancer therapy.

There is obviously more studying to be done. But in the future, scientists might be able to arm viruses with genes to help fight cancer. They may also be able to use viruses to activate the body’s own immune system to fight the cancer itself.

#6: Norovirus

Virologists have become especially interested in noroviruses. These particular micro life-forms are well known for their ability to cause epidemics of diarrhea on cruise ships. They are also infamous for their ability to ravage laboratory mice colonies with the disease.

But as it turns out, some strains of the virus have proven useful—especially for their role in helping to “normalize” mice that have grown in sterile environments. These mice don’t make enough T cells, which hurts their gut bacteria and immune response.

To fix the problem, researchers have shown that giving bacteria to the mice can help to rebalance their immune cells, but adding a norovirus to the mix can actually solve the same problem. Researchers also found that some norovirus strains helped lessen the effects of pathogens that usually cause weight loss, diarrhea, and other related symptoms in mice.

This makes for an exciting discovery as researchers unveil new ways to use viruses for good. Giving strains of the norovirus to humans to treat other diseases would be seen as highly controversial, but much evidence says that it could actually help.

#5: Ancient Retroviruses

Ancient retroviruses may be the reason we don’t lay eggs.

Scientists have yet to unravel the entire part that ancient retroviruses have played in human development. But some of them, technically referred to as “endogenous retroviruses,” are believed to have helped in the evolution of the placenta in mammals.

To put it in super simple terms, some scientists believe that a primitive human ancestor contracted an endogenous retrovirus that caused mutations in the genetic code. This eventually led to mammals being capable of live birth.

The formation of the placenta was a huge step in the evolutionary process because it allowed mammals to give birth to live young. But when you take a really close look at the relationship between a mother and a fetus, it is not surprising that it shares many of the same characteristics you would expect to see in the relationship between a host and a parasite.

The work is ongoing. But don’t be surprised if we discover someday that the reason human females give birth to live babies instead of laying eggs is thanks to an ancient virus that altered our DNA.

#4: Gamma-herpesviruses

This one is fairly technical, but it is no less amazing.

The Gammaherpesvirinae is technically a subfamily of herpesviruses that includes several different viruses. There are actually many different types of herpes viruses, with the best-known examples probably being herpes simplex virus type 1 and herpes simplex virus type 2, which cause cold sores and genital herpes.

As it turns out, latent infection with one type of gammaherpesvirus (type MHV-68) has been shown to increase resistance to infection with Listeria monocytogenes—the bacteria best known for food poisoning.

Who would have thought that herpes would help to fight food poisoning?

#3: Cowpox

This story actually begins with a dangerous virus called smallpox. Nobody is sure where it came from. But it is believed that even as early as the third century BC, it was afflicting the Egyptian empire. Records of it have been discovered in China from the fourth century, and it has basically shown up everywhere since.

It was a devastating disease that killed about 30 percent of infected people. Even those who survived were often left with terrible scars as a result of the ordeal.

But in 1796, an English doctor named Edward Jenner made a discovery. He noticed that milkmaids tended not to contract smallpox as often as everyone else. Soon, he realized that a similar virus called cowpox often spread from cows to the milkmaids and may have had something to do with it.

He tested his theory by inoculating a boy with material from a cowpox sore and exposing him to smallpox. Although it may sound like a shocking experiment, it was actually successful. This led to the practice of vaccination that ended up eradicating the smallpox virus two centuries later.

#2: GBV-C

HIV is probably one of the most terrifying and infamous viruses of the 21st century. Nevertheless, another virus, GBV-C, has been getting some attention from scientists for its effect on those who are HIV positive.

GBV-C is a member of the Flaviviridae family of viruses and can also be referred to as hepatitis G. The interesting aspect of this virus is its effect on the progression of HIV.

To put it simply, people who have both HIV and GBV-C tend to display a slower progression to AIDS and improved odds of survival—which is pretty amazing.[9]

Who would have imagined that the existence of another virus could possibly slow down a virus as dangerous as HIV?


Did you know that human consciousness may have originally been caused by a virus? Yes, it is possible, and here is why.

Researchers believe that a virus attached itself to the genome of one of our ancestors long ago—probably even before we walked on two legs. But they also believe that a tiny bit of the genetic coding contained within the virus still exists within our brains today and may be responsible for some serious “brainpower,” including consciousness itself.

The Arc gene is essential for the learning process in humans. Weirdly enough, it communicates by sending genetic material from one neuron to another using a process that is commonly seen in viruses.

Further research must be done to determine exactly what this means. But right now, it looks as though it is very possible that we inherited our ability to learn and form conscious thoughts from the genetic material of some ancient brain virus!

Yes, the universe is definitely a weird and mysterious place. 


An ancient retrovirus has been found in human DNA – and it might still be active

April 4, 2016

Striking evidence has emerged that an ancient virus previously known only from fossil evidence has persistently infected some humans at very low levels for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. This ancient retrovirus is a kind of living fossil, and the discovery of an intact copy of it within the human genome poses questions as to how it has survived, and suggests others from the distant evolutionary past may lie dormant in the DNA of many species.

A retrovirus replicates by inserting its genome into that of an infected cell. Occasionally, retroviruses infect germ line cells – those found in eggs and sperm – and if these cells survive and go on to create a new organism, that new organism will contain the retrovirus as an inherent part of its genome. In this way the genomes of many mammals, birds and other vertebrates have accumulated many DNA sequences derived from retroviruses, known as endogenous retroviruses (ERVs). About 8% of the human genome is comprised of ERVs, for example.

The vast majority of these sequences are genomic fossils in an advanced state of decay, and incapable of producing any sort of infectious particles. Intriguingly, however, some ERVs have been co-opted to perform physiological functions within the host organism, for example to provide immunity. These domesticated virus sequences, though functional, have effectively become part of the host’s genome. They cannot produce infectious virus particles either, having generally lost the genetic equipment required to do so.

Nevertheless, there are a small proportion of ERV sequences that can make infectious particles, and these show that the genomes of host species can be colonised by infectious retroviruses. This process is poorly understood, but recent research has shown the almost unbelievable stealth with which it can occur, so that the most modern and powerful techniques are required to detect it.

The ‘Loch Ness Monster’ of the human genome

Advances in whole genome sequencing have revealed a huge diversity of ERVs in the genomes of vertebrates with considerable difference between species. Many are extremely ancient, while more recent ERVs are more intact and less degraded by mutation. In some species such as mice, the genome contains many ERVs capable of producing infectious viruses, but almost all ERVs in humans (known as HERVs) appear to be non-functional remnants of extinct retroviruses. The only exception is one group, called HERV-K, which is potentially capable of replication despite being many millions of years old.

Previous studies of HERV-K sequences in the human genome have indicated that it has been recently active in humans, and that it could even still circulate through infection. This recent study’s co-authors, Julia Wildschutte and Zach Williams, working in the laboratory of John Coffin at Tufts University, searched for evidence of HERV-K using data from the 1000 Genomes Project and the Human Genome Diversity Project. The team developed approaches that allowed them to dig exceptionally deep into these catalogues and establish that the human genome contains a total of 36 unique HERV-K copies not present in the standard, reference human genome sequence – including 19 new discoveries.

Most intriguingly of all, one of these new discoveries was an intact virus without any of the mutations that would be expected to degrade its function. The discovery of an intact virus lurking in the human population strengthens the possibility that this HERV-K retrovirus has remained “alive” within humans up until relatively recently, and could still be circulating somewhere even today.

Future directions

Many questions remain: is HERV-K really still active in humans? Is it lying dormant, poised to re-emerge as the agent of an infectious epidemic? Or are the signs of recent HERV-K activity really just the death throes of an ancient retrovirus as it drifts slowly but surely toward extinction?

It may be that by existing in a near-dormant state with only very low levels of activity, HERV-K has been able to evade the effects of mutations that would have inactivated it. Alternatively, there might be circumstances in which humans in some way gained a survival advantage that led to the presence of HERV-K in human DNA being selected for through evolutionary processes.

These hypotheses can be investigated to some extent because extinct retroviruses can be resurrected from DNA remnants and their biological properties analysed. Studying how ancient viruses were extinguished by their host species can provide clues to strategies we might use to help fight the viruses that threaten us today. 


Viruses revealed to be a major driver of human evolution

Study tracking protein adaptation over millions of years yields insights relevant to fighting today’s viruses

July 13, 2016



Viruses and Bacteria Travel Along a High-Altitude Superhighway

A new theory explains how the very same microbes exist on every continent, even when suitable hosts are nowhere to be found.



Billions of Viruses Are Falling to Earth Right Now (But That Isn’t Why You Have the Flu)

February 07, 2018


How Viruses Created Humans

DNA changes created by viruses are now essential parts of human physiology.

April 2, 2020



Why redheads have a head start in the health stakes


It is not the image classically associated with peak health and fitness.

But scientists have found that ginger hair and a pale skin offer an important advantage in the survival game.

Redheads, it would seem, boast a secret genetic weapon which enables them to fight off certain debilitating and potentially deadly illnesses more efficiently than blondes or brunettes.

A pale complexion permits more sunlight into the skin, where it encourages the productionof vitamin D. This helps to prevent rickets, a disease which progressively weakens bone structures, and the lung disease tuberculosis, which can be fatal.

Professor Jonathan Rees, of the University of Edinburgh, speaking at a series of seminars on hair in London yesterday, said the ginger gene may have had a significance throughout history.

Did their ginger hair, for instance, assist in the achievements of Napoleon, Cromwell and Columbus?

What effect did it have on the exploits of General Custer, Florence Nightingale, Cleopatra, Nell Gwynne and Rob Roy?

In the modern world, is it offering some small advantage to the likes of Nicole Kidman, Chris Evans and Charlie Dimmock.

‘Experts in genetics always describe their science as being about the way in which eye and hair colour is passed from parent to child,’ said Professor Rees.

‘In reality we know little about the inheritance of these characteristics apart from the way red hair is inherited.

‘Why did people with red hair survive – was there some advantage to being red?

‘Research suggests red hair and pale skin is an advantage in northern Europe because you make vitamin D in your skin, and therefore you are less likely to get rickets if you have pale skin.

‘Vitamin D may have played a big role here.

‘There’s also good data that we need vitamin D to fight against infections like TB. This sort of thing could have a very big evolutionary impact.’

The human ‘ginger gene’, the trait which dictates red hair, is known in scientific terms as the melanocortin-1 receptor.

Even as recently as 50 years ago, before improvements in the nation’s diet, many people developed rickets, a childhood disorder which causes abnormal bone formation and can lead to bowing of the bones.

This was because they were not getting enough vitamin D, either in the food they ate or through exposure to sunlight.

Red hair is mostly found in northwest Europe, although there are far more redheads in Scotland and Ireland than anywhere else. Between seven per cent and ten per cent of Scots have red hair.

The downside of pale skin, however, is that it increases the risk of skin cancer in areas with strong prolonged sunlight.

Professor Rees was speaking at the Royal Institution in London at an event exploring the science of hair.

A recent study in the U.S. suggested that people with red hair are more sensitive to pain than blonds and brunettes.

Researchers found that a genetic trait gave them a lower threshold to the pain of injury or surgery.

A study of hospital patients at the University of Louisville found that they needed about 20 per cent more anaesthetic than people with other hair colours to achieve the same effect.


Research provides insights on why redheads exhibit altered sensitivity to pain

Apr 2 2021


European Redheads


Jewish Ginger Redheads


 Chinese Ginger Redhead


Beautiful Asian Women

A freckled redhead of East Asian Ethnicity. BEAUTIFUL.



Women: Redhead Ginger Asian Hairstyle



Korean Skincare 101 for Redheads: Your Guide to Flawless Skin

April 18, 2017



Ginger babies…soooo cute!



Ginger-Korean baby?



Ginger Asian.



Hispanic Ginger Redhead


{People should not get so upset about that black Homo erectus subspecies George Floyd dying, and be more concerned about following my orders.

We must arrest any black trying to riot about George Floyd, this includes any Communist Antifa members.

Arrest all Antifa and Black Lives Matters members.

We must stop all sanctuary cities in America right now, arrest all politicians in charge of Sanctuary cities. Arrest all Blacks and Mexicans on sight and deport them back to the Third World}.


 Chicago Black Lives Matter Leader Declares Looting Gucci and Macy’s ‘Is Reparations’

August 11, 2020


Experts Warn Protests Could Accelerate Second Wave Of Coronavirus | NBC Nightly News

Jun 2, 2020


Officials raise concerns over spread of the coronavirus during nationwide protests

Jun 2, 2020


Concerns arise over protesters and exposure to the coronavirus

Jun 2, 2020


Expert says hunger could be cause of looting



More People May Die From Hunger Than From The Coronavirus This Year, Says Aid Group Oxfam

July 9, 2020


Why most Covid-19 deaths won’t be from the virus

28th May 2020


Coronavirus: Millions in India facing hunger during COVID-19 lockdown measures

26 April 2020

The World Food Programme has said the coronavirus outbreak could cause “multiple famines of biblical proportions”.


A Tenth of the World Could Go Hungry While Crops Rot in Fields

August 31 2020


‘Instead of Coronavirus, the Hunger Will Kill Us.’



Starvation deaths in 2018

July 26, 2018

Stunting due to hunger also holds back the prospects of an entire generation.


Coronavirus is bringing a plague of dangerous doomsday predictions

March 23, 2020


Death by starvation or death by COVID-19

May 09, 2020


‘Will we die of hunger?’: how Covid-19 lockdowns imperil street children

April 2020

For millions of young people, coronavirus restrictions have made access to food, water and shelter even more precarious


COVID-related hunger could kill more people than the virus


What shocking data on Covid second wave deaths really reveals: Yogendra Yadav



Desperation, hunger causing looting of trucks, says Social Justice Coalition

Apr 21, 2020


Store Owners Arm Themselves Amid Ongoing Protests Over Death Of George Floyd | NBC Nightly News

Jun 2, 2020


 RAW VIDEO: Looters Raid Target Store Near Mpls. Protest

May 27, 2020


 ‘These People Aren’t Coming From Norway’: Refugees in a Minnesota City Face a Backlash


As more Somali refugees arrive in St. Cloud, white anti-immigration activists have pressed an increasingly explicit anti-Muslim agenda.


How did the Twin Cities become a hub for Somali immigrants?

June 21, 2019

While attending the University of Minnesota, Lakeville native Erik Borg wondered how the Twin Cities came to have such a large population of Somali Americans. Many, he noticed, lived near the campus.

“I was just kind of curious how a place like Minneapolis becomes home to a thriving population of Somali immigrants,” said Borg.


‘Stunning in ugliness & tone’: Trump denounced for attacking Somali refugees in Minnesota

Oct. 11, 2019


Rumors, misinformation lurked as Minnesota county rejected refugees



How Minneapolis’ Somali community became the terrorist recruitment capital of the US



 French Journalist: Marxist-Islamist Coalition Waging War on Western Civilization

June 29, 2020


BLM Partnered With Pro-Communist China Group? | Wait, Is That True?!

Sep 22, 2020


George Floyd protesters attack woman in wheelchair who allegedly had knife | New York Post

May 28, 2020


WaPo Corrects Trump on Most ‘Dangerous’ Cities — Says Not All, But 17 OUT OF 20 Run By Democrats

June 28, 2020

Desperate nitpicking by far-left newspaper earns widespread mockery on social media


New York Protesters Won’t Be Silenced By Curfew

Jun 4, 2020


{We can see a pattern of more riots and violence happening in Sanctuary Cities
and states with Sanctuary Cities. This is why we need to end the Sanctuary Cities, we
must liberate all Sanctuary City towns and get rid of these Communist Antifa Protesters, blacks and illegal Aliens. We can see how many blacks try to riot for any reason just so they can steal and loot, we see that it is the majority of blacks in these videos that are the criminals seen stealing in these videos. This is why we need to limit the numbers of blacks through eugenics, population control and race control. We must arrest all Antifa members, including anyone associated with Black Lives Matter, the Black Panthers or any Black extremist terrorist groups such as these. We want all Communist Antifa members, Black Lives Matter members and Black Panther members arrested as terrorists. We must ship all blacks back to Africa, these blacks were a subspecies of Homo erectus, and why blacks have more of this ghost DNA in the bloodlines of Africans. Black people have more Homo erectus type ghost DNA, blacks could even also be a subspecies of Homo ergaster. This is another reason why certain animals get different Coronaviruses, while humans are immune to many Coronaviruses. How do you think groups such as Homo heidelbergensis, Denisovans or Neanderthals would react to COVID-19 if they were still around?
You notice how some of these ancient groups also have different skin colors than others, and why they were classified as their own separate species. Even though a Denisovan and a Homo heidelbergensis might both look somewhat human, they are actually their own separate species}.


The ancient Neanderthal hand in severe COVID-19

September 30, 2020Summary: Genetic variants that leave their carrier more susceptible to severe COVID-19 are inherited from Neanderthals, a new study finds.


‘Tragic consequences’: Major genetic risk factor for COVID-19 inherited from Neanderthals, study finds

July 6, 2020

(WHDH) — A major genetic risk factor for severe cases of COVID-19 is inherited from the Neanderthals, a new study has found.

Researchers have identified a gene cluster on chromosome 3 as a risk locus for respiratory failure in COVID-19 patients, according to findings published by bioRxiv.

The risk variant is believed to have entered the human population by gene flow from the Neanderthals or Denisovans about 40,000 to 60,000 years ago, researchers said.

Research shows that the variant occurs in South Asia at a frequency of 30 percent, in Europe at eight percent, among admixed Americans at four percent, and at lower frequencies in East Asia.

“The Neanderthal variant may thus be a substantial contributor to COVID-19 risk in certain populations,” researchers wrote in their findings.

The highest frequency is said to occur in Bangladesh, where 63 percent of the population carries at least one copy of the Neanderthal risk variant.

The Neanderthal-derived risk is said to be “almost completely absent” in Africa.

“In the current pandemic, it is clear that gene flow from Neanderthals has tragic consequences,” researchers concluded.


Nanotechnology-Based Vaccine Candidate, Blood Type A Raises Risk, Neanderthal-Derived Protein Offers Protection: COVID-19 Updates

March 5, 2021

Variant that emerged in the UK could be more transmissible, SARS-CoV-2 may be particularly attracted to blood group A respiratory cells, a balanced T cell response is key to clearing virus without symptoms, and out-of-place large bone marrow cells responsible for brain fog. Plus: Heart muscle cells a target and could lead to cell death, interfere with heart muscle contraction and MIS-C patients have highly activated immune systems that are similar to adult COVID-19 patients.


Genes from NEANDERTHALS slash the risk of severe Covid-19 by 22%


Three genes inherited from Neanderthals slash the risk of severe Covid-19 by 22 per cent, a new study has revealed.

The genes sit next to each other on chromosome 12, and this large chunk of genetic material includes 75,000 individual pieces of DNA.

Researchers compared the DNA of 2,200 Covid-19 patients from around the world with the genes of three Neanderthals that lived 50,000, 70,000 and 120,000 years ago.

They found people with Neanderthal versions of the genes OAS1, OAS2 and OAS3 were less likely to develop severe symptoms after infection with the coronavirus.

These genes produce enzymes which specifically target invading RNA viruses, and the Neanderthal version is thought to be more potent.  

Professor Hugo Zeberg and Dr Svante Pääbo from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, respectively, conducted the study.  

Previous research has found eight genetic locations spread across five chromosomes (3, 6, 12, 19 and 21) which are ‘associated with risk of requiring intensive care upon SARS-CoV-2 infection’.

However, the new analysis shows only those found at chromosome 3 and 12 originate from cross-species trysts between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals…

The latest study backs up previous findings from a separate team of researchers from Canada, which also came to the conclusion the OAS1 gene reduces the risk of serious illness, hospitalisation and death from Covid-19.

Although they did not look at the gene’s origin, they did find five genes which increase the odds of severe infection.

Four of these genes  — TYK2 and DPP9 on chromosome 19; IFNAR on chromosome 21 and OAS on chromosome 12 — were also studied by the latest study…


Some Neandertal genes in people today may protect against severe COVID-19

February 17, 2021


DNA linked to Covid-19 inherited from neanderthals: Study

Jul 05 2020


Could COVID-19 have wiped out the Neandertals?

December 24, 2020


A coronavirus epidemic may have hit East Asia about 25,000 years ago

April 14, 2021

Descendants of the outbreak may have inherited some DNA that affects their response to COVID-19


Scientists Uncover Evidence That a Level of Pre-Existing COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 Immunity Is Present in the General Population

July 25, 2020


Some people may have preexisting immunity to the coronavirus

December 17, 2020


The people with hidden immunity against Covid-19

July 19, 2020


An ancient coronavirus-like epidemic drove adaptation in East Asians from 25,000 to 5,000 years ago

November 16, 2020.


Mitochondrial DNA and Nuclear SNPs to Predict Severity of COVID-19 Infection (mtDNA-COVID)

February 11, 2021


The potential influence of human Y-chromosome haplogroup on COVID-19 prevalence and mortality

Aug 2020


{We can clearly see that the reason why blacks die more than other races from COVID-19 is due to the fact of genetics. Blacks do not share the bloodlines of other humans, and we would like to classify blacks as their own separate Homo erectus subspecies compared to other humans. We must get all of these black Homo erectus subspecies out of our society and First World nations, look at how these savages continue to bring down society with their riots, gangs, crime and all the blacks trying to dress up like a gangster rapper. If you are a black or Mexican trying to act like a gangster rapper, the scientific community wants you removed from our society as a nuisance, we honestly would be better off without many of these scumbags on our streets. You remember that the next time you go out on the streets and represent your race. Why is it that many of you think you can just act like gangster rapper scum, start riots and expect the scientific community to work with promoting this type of behavior for a future society. It was a mistake giving blacks their equal rights in a First World society, and we should have just shipped them back to Africa where they belong. We simply should have phased out many of these low IQ blacks from the gene pool and we could have avoided this problem, now too many low IQ blacks are wasting resources that could have gone to much better people and scientific researchers. It was not worth keeping this many blacks around and let blacks and Chinese get this overpopulated in the world. It was not worth wasting many resources on some overpopulated black gangsters with an IQ of around 80. Many of these blacks that look like they are in rap videos are a nuisance to our society, we must phase out many of these low IQ black imbeciles from our civilization. If you are a black that wants to go help out, go move back to Africa, you are not wanted in America, Europe, The Middle East or Asia. This is why we had laws that were against white people trying to breed with black people, because black people were classified as their own different type of animal, blacks were a Homo erectus class of subspecies with ghost DNA}.


Luxury Stores Looted in Beverly Hills and Santa Monica

Jun 1, 2020


National Guard Arrives in Hollywood to Curb Looters

Jun 2, 2020


DC mayor does not have the power to send away National Guard: Attorney

Jun 6, 2020


 Walmart, CVS join Target in closing some stores across nation amid protests

May 31, 2020

U.S. retailers large and small have closed some of their stores across the country because of disruptions caused by the widespread street protests over the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Target, CVS, Apple and Walmart all said Sunday that they had temporarily closed or limited hours at some locations for safety reasons. In some places, their stores have been burned, broken into or looted as protests turned violent.

Amazon said Sunday that it has adjusted its routes and suspended deliveries to keep its drivers safe in some cities, including Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle and Minneapolis. A spokeswoman, Kelly Cheeseman, said Amazon is also abiding by local curfews that have required people to remain off streets after a specified hour at night.

Small businesses, too, are surveying the damage or trying to determine how to operate amid the chaos. Ammar Aref, who owns a corner grocery store in Minneapolis blocks from where Floyd was killed, said he has stayed opened every day, but he doesn’t know how much stock to order and his employees don’t want to come to work. He boards up his windows every night.


 ‘Chicago worse than Afghanistan’: Trump blasts high crime rate in ‘Democrat-run’ cities, says it’s like living in HELL

 June 26, 2020

More than 100 people, including several children, were shot in Chicago just over the weekend


RAW VIDEO: Aftermath of looting at Cub Foods in Minneapolis

May 28, 2020


 Trump authorizes arrests of anyone vandalizing monuments

Jun 23, 2020


 Tucker: Black Lives Matter is now a political party

Jun 8, 2020


Armed Black Panthers join Protest in Georgia leading the line



 UK Police Force Forbids “Counter-Protest” to Black Lives Matter Gathering

June 26, 2020

While approving BLM demonstration in direct violation of coronavirus lockdown laws.


Ex-Met Police Chief Cut Off For Saying Black Lives Matter Wants to “Destabilize Society”

June 26, 2020

Also noted that single parent black homes partly to blame for riots.


Over 100 Police Agencies Pull Out Of Agreements To Guard DNC Convention

Jul 28, 2020


ANTIFA Tough Guy Spills The Beans On Who Is Backing And Bailing Them Out Of Jail

Jul 21, 2020


This is Evil: SHOCKING letter from high school history teacher exposes college board liberal bias

Jul 16, 2020



 Glenn Beck: Federal debt, COVID Lockdowns, BLM Protests & CAIR Are All Connected

Jul 15, 2020


 COVID-19 In Context: Subversion, Psychological Warfare, and New World Order {Opinion}

March 31, 2020


ANTIFA Tough Guy Spills The Beans On Who Is Backing And Bailing Them Out Of Jail

Jul 21, 2020


This is Evil: SHOCKING letter from high school history teacher exposes college board liberal bias

Jul 16, 2020


Why are liberals siding with Portland’s violent anarchists against law-abiding feds?

July 28, 2020


 Dads With Leaf Blowers Dispel Tear Gas At Portland Protests


They’ve been dubbed “fathers against fascism.”


Arson near Portland courthouse, Communism’s racist roots, CA Chinese consulate harbors fugitive

Jul 23, 2020


Fox’s Bartiromo to DHS Sec: ‘Why Can’t You Just Arrest the Leadership in Portland Because of Their Ignoring’ What’s Happening There?

July 28, 2020


 Hundreds Of Antifa ARRESTED In Portland By Feds! Justice Is Being SERVED As TRUMP WINS In Portland!

Jul 31, 2020


 Lines at Food Banks Reemerge As Lockdown Paralyzes Households

June 29, 2020

Nearly 50 million Americans unemployed as second round of lockdowns introduced


Violent crime rages on in Jacksonville despite stay-home order

April 13, 2020


Black Supremacist Militia Accidentally Shooting Each Other in Anti Cop Rally

Jul 26, 2020


 BLM Terrorists,d_placeholder_euli9k,h_3055,w_5432,x_0,y_361/dpr_1.5/c_limit,w_1044/fl_lossy,q_auto/v1595701103/2020-07-25T144402Z_499746788_RC2E0I9NPOPY_RTRMADP_3_GLOBAL-RACE-PROTESTS-LOUISVILLE_jpuct7


‘Black Lives Matter Is Not A Black-Owned Business’: George Soros Pledges $220M Towards BLM Initiatives

July 18, 2020



Want to know where all those corporate donations for #BLM are going? Here’s the list.

June 5, 2020

The NAACP and the Equal Justice Initiative were among the most popular nonprofits.


{Black people are a nuisance to First World nations, including Europe and America, we must ship all blacks back to Africa. It is the blacks that spread the Coronavirus the most from getting sick the most, then these low IQ blacks spread the Coronavirus even more with the black Homo heidelbergensis George Floyd protests. This goes to show that many blacks are very crude in their ways, and why these low IQ savages need to be shipped back to Africa. We must classify blacks as a Homo erectus subspecies and limit the numbers of blacks through population control. We must save the white race from these savages, just look at how blacks riot in the streets when one black dies. Look at how many white people have died from police abuse. The scientific community is well aware that blacks are one of the lowest IQ races, and that blacks on average riot the most, simply because we see it is the blacks that try to steal the most in flash mobs and riots. We want blacks to stop using the excuse for stealing, simply by trying to riot. In return we are calling for a 95% reduction in the surface population of all blacks and mulatto people. The scientific community no longer wants these blacks in the street rioting just to try and steal. These low IQ blacks have become a nuisance to the scientific community, we want blacks removed out of First World society. Remove all blacks out of Europe and America, sterilize any black or Mexican with an IQ of under 100}.


{We need to arrest all protesters trying to riot about the death of that Homo erectus subspecies George Floyd. If you are a BLM protester we want you arrested, if you are found to be Antifa or Black Lives Matter, you will face arrest, deportation or jail. Our orders were to remove all Sanctuary City politicians and to stop these illegal and unlwful immigrants. Many of these illegal and unlawful immigrants are spreading the Coronavirus and need to be arrested and deported. Many of you have refused our orders and instead go against our orders and protest over this dead black Homo heidelbergensis George Floyd instead, this was not part of the plan. You have not removed the sanctuary city politicians on time.

 You have not removed the 2021 Communist government of Laguna Beach, California.

How dare the public fail my media agency,  if you cannot complete our orders then that makes you useless.

We are going to start by ordering the arrest the majority of non-white people living in Orange County, California.

We are calling for the arrest of the majority of non-white people in the state of California, Oregon, Washington State, Illinois, New York, Michigan and Minnesota for letting these areas become overthrown with illegal and unlawful immigrants starting riots.

We must implement a full eugenics program and sterilize anyone with an IQ of under 95 IQ or 100 IQ. We should have a maximum population in North America of under 100 Million people to under 250 Million people.

We should bring back many of the traditional American Laws and values from the 1700s and 1800s. America should be a majority white nation, we should have the military arrest all blacks and ship them back to Africa, this should have been done hundreds of years ago.

England, France, Germany and America should have expanded the white race all through North America, Central America and South America. We should not be letting many of these Mexicans overpopulate and take up resources for the expansion of a First World white Western nation with a higher IQ.

We warned the people when we released our book titled Race Virus 101 on May 12, 2019, and requested we stop allowing many Chinese to come to America after the SARS incident. Of course many people were not serious about this and why many people are now dead, you simply refused our orders and also allowed illegal immigrants to immigrate to America illegally.

How dare many of you cowards commit suicide when your people and the press have called on you for help. I can see one thing if someone commits suicide because they are about to die from being ill and want to end it, but look at how many cowards we have that commit suicide while their country is being invaded, and they do not even help with trying to get rid of the invading army out of America. This is why many other countries are laughing at America right now, is because we have a bunch of no good beta millennial cowards in America that let their country and the free press be overthrown.

Then we have all these cowards in Orange County, California complaining if they can use the beach or not. Do you really think that many of you have earned the right to have the freedom to be on the beach right now? Of course not, at this rate most of you will be in a Red Dawn style concentration camp. That is because California is a state that the Communists are trying to take over. Look at how many of you also just let the white race decline over the years, while letting a bunch of degenerates take over.

How about if the white race drops by one more percent that we start arresting all non-whites, and only spare only white people from arrest and deportation. America was founded as a white nation and we must keep America as a majority white nation. We must start phasing out the majority of the surface population of non-whites and start arresting all the minorities. Please sterilize and deport this nuisance back to the Third World once and for all. I would have blacks arrested and shipped back to Africa as quickly as possible on cruise ships, I would even avoid trying to put people in camps and just ship them back to the Third World where they belong, some have even said blacks could be compensated if they are sterilized and shipped back to Africa, and that this would be one of the more humane things that could be done. We do not hate any race, we just think that the world is overpopulated and that we should stop many low IQ people from having too many kids in the Third World. Too many of these low IQ groups are trying to invade the West and they must be stopped. This is about saving the chosen white lineages, and saving White Europe and White America over the black Homo erectus subspecies with ghost DNA}.


 ‘I am sorry’: Assemblyman drops effort to end communist ban in California government

May 17, 2017

Under pressure from California’s large Vietnamese community, Assemblyman Rob Bonta has pulled a bill to repeal a Red Scare-era law allowing California governments to fire public employees for being communists.


 Will the US Ban Communist Party Members?

Jul 22, 2020


California’s Assembly Votes To Allow Communists To Hold State Jobs

May 9, 2017


California Democrats embrace a Socialist? We’ve been here before



Formation of the California Communist Labor Party



Thousands of protesters flock to Huntington Beach following state-ordered OC beach closures

May 1, 2020


{You have not earned any right, the beach is for free people, and Orange County is still not liberated. Many of you people are a bunch of Communists that allow Communists to infiltrate the government of California to attack the free press and the scientific community.

The reality is my media agency warned you not to let in the Chinese, and this is why we have laws such as the Chinese Exclusion Act. This is what happens when the American people break the laws such as the Chinese Exclusion Act. Even now when you have many of these Chinese diseases now in America, you still won’t admit that you were in the wrong. Many of you would still rather attack media agencies that promote the Chinese Exclusion Act. The media is simply trying to keep people safe, in order to keep many of these diseases out of America and other First World white nations. This is why many of my friends and I discuss how we are upset with many Americans for letting America go to the dogs. Why should we reward this society that continues to let the IQ drop, while letting the white race slowly decline. We should stop anything that becomes a threat to the white race, that is our new goal. We must make sure that the white race can survive and make it to space and other planets.

It is the fault of the public for not stopping this Communist government on time. The people of Orange County, California are such a disgrace to the independent press and the rest of America.

Too many people in the press are complaining about people in the public, and how this Black Friday Antifa crowd tries to riot over George Floyd.

The scientific community really now wants to debate if it is worth keeping many of these overpopulated Third World groups around, especially if Americans are just going to let these Communist Antifa rioters, blacks and illegal Mexicans try to take over.

Many people in the press have complained that it is too hard to get their thoughts through to many of these people, and that these protesters are too brainwashed.

Listen up, if we can’t get through to you, such as many people in the Antifa crowd, we are simply just going to have to arrest many of you. You are a Communist insurgent and you need to be arrested for treason.

We warned you years in advance to stop the Communist government in Laguna Beach, California from continuing this treason. Instead the American people tried to let this corruption continue and let this Communist government of Laguna Beach, California assault my media agency.

We want the American people to arrest the traitors in the 2020 Laguna Beach City government. We want all Politicians in Laguna Beach from 2008-2021 arrested and to face trial for treason for operating illegal sanctuary cities. The no good people still have allowed this Communist government to operate and it is now March 15th, 2022.

It appears that the public would rather go protest about George Floyd, then to stop these corrupt government officials from assaulting my media agency. This is why we are calling for the arrest of all BLM protesters and Antifa protesters, this is just the beginning}.


August 23rd, 2016 – Pollution Science 101 –   Solutions


January 16th, 2017 – Laguna Beach Government corruption: Investigative report 1/16/2017.  (Asbestos contamination & our waterways in Orange County.)


 1/15/2020 – Michael Ross gets illegally abducted by the Laguna Beach, California Police (Help) – Laguna Beach Police Brutality – Scientific Research Being Destroyed (2018)


 Jan/7/15 – Pollution Science 101 – Cancer Investigated (California)


{We released these reports on the Corruption in Orange County, California, within just a few years the government abducted our media agency for almost 2 weeks and I was eventually released, I never even broke any laws to begin with. The people of Orange County, California have allowed this to happen and even continued to vote in the same corrupt politicians in these articles. This goes to show how the people of Los Angeles, Orange County and California have lost a lot of honor with the people of America and the press.

The public wants a COVID-19 cure as fast as possible. The Communist government has killed off many Doctors and Scientists in Cambodia and other countries. The Communist government of Orange County, California even illegally abducted me. Then the public allows many of these violent events to happen to researchers, scientists and doctors. 

The government of Orange County, California and the public of Orange County, California has not been honorable with my media agency.

Why are the people of Los Angeles and Orange County, California not being honorable with my media agency? We want answers from the people of Orange County, California right now. Having me illegally abducted by the Communist government of Orange County, California was not the right thing to do. It was the public that continued to vote in many of these Communist politicians in California, that is the main problem and issue that we need to solve right now.

This is what happens when the no good ignorant Antifa black Friday crowds anger the press.

You know I just wanted to move to a country where my government doesn’t illegally abduct me, and I can be free from these corrupt Communist government officials in Orange County, California that abducted my media agency in 2018. Why should I even risk all of my good research staying in some Communist Controlled area such as California, or many sanctuary cities in America. That is because I care for my country and I stayed here to fight in America. I would say I would have a lot better chance doing this 100-200 years ago when people were more honorable.

This is simply why we are going to have to phase out most of these Third World undesirables with the eugenics program and population control.

This is why it was this no good Antifa Communist government of Laguna Beach, California that attempts to take the guns away from my family while bringing an invading army. We want all of you arrested as traitors to face trial.

I can see how society has degenerated so much, and why the IQ had dropped so much through the years in Western nations.

I think many people would rather protest over this dead black Homo heidelbergensis George Floyd. Instead many do not even care about my media agency being abducted illegally by this Communist government of Laguna Beach, California and Communist Police force in Laguna Beach, California in 2018.

Why has the ANTIFA Communist Mayor Toni Iseman of Laguna Beach, California still in office? Why have the American people still allowed these corrupt Communist Antifa politicians in office. Maybe we need to start questioning the legitimacy of many people in our society if they are going to allow a bunch of Communist politicians to stay in office in many of these liberal states. We want Mayor Toni Iseman prosecuted as a Communist traitor.

Why has Communist John Pietig not been removed from office in Laguna Beach, California?

The American people have acted foolishly for not removing many of these Communist Officials that we have requested.

The FBI visited me on September 4th, 2020. The FBI told me that I needed to change some sentences in my books so that it is not threatening to these Communist officials in Orange County, California. I can call for their arrest but I cannot promote violence or say there will be consequences to anyone for not acting. They stated that if I did not change some words that I could be detained. I am simply trying to peacefully remove these Communist officials from Laguna Beach, California and Orange County, California. We realize that we do not want BLM protesters and Antifa protesters to gain control or power in America. We should always be cautious of groups such as BLM and Antifa trying to gain control with protests. This is why we must arrest all of these Communist BLM members and Communist Antfia members so that they do not gain power in America and First World society.

The problem is that many people in our society allow this corruption to take place. You have let many of these Communist politicians infiltrate into the political system in America.  Why do the people still allow these Communists in the government to attack the free press and the scientific community. How dare the American people continue to let these Communist Politicians in Laguna Beach, California still run for office.

Why does the Communist government of Laguna Beach still allow these illegal Mexicans to flock in to degrade America. As far as I am concerned the Military should arrest everyone in Orange County that is not white. Save only the white people with an IQ above 95, sterilize most of the low IQ Mexicans, Arabs and blacks, then deport these groups out of America. America was founded as a white country, we need to arrest and deport many of these minorities out of First World nations before these minorities spread more COVID-19.

Many of you are such trash for letting the IQ decline and the white race decline. I almost think we should just arrest everyone that isn’t white and deport them out of First World society. I think we should spare the white people and white neighborhoods. The blacks and Mexicans are the main problem in America, these groups must be arrested and deported out of America.

We hear about population zero. I personally am not for population zero, and I think the world should have maybe around 700 million people to possibly around 1.5 billion people, or under 2 billion people maximum. That also depends on how well the environment is being treated and if unlawful immigrants are not drying up the groundwater resources with illegal immigration. When you think about 2 million people per city, that is still a lot of people. I would regulate race so that all races could live, I would make white people over 90% to 95% of the population of the planet. Where you would have small amounts of Asians, Blacks and Indians, but they would all have to have an IQ of over 100 or even over 110. There are always some exceptions also to trying to sterilize certain people. I honestly do not hate any race, but I feel they have become overpopulated and we have a refugee problem in First World nations. We have already asked that the refugee problem should be solved and this problem still exists, this is why I believe we should sterilize the majority of refugees, including many of the lower IQ individuals in these Third World Countries that have these refugees spreading Covid to First World nations. I think that the world is overpopulated and that we must expand in outer space and other planets or moons if people want to continue to expand the population of the human race.

The black race cannot go on for much longer with COVID-19, blacks are getting sick the most and spreading the Coronavirus the most. Many of these blacks have to go. Arrest all blacks in America and Europe and ship them to Africa, please do this quick and fast. Do this before the blacks degrade America with more BLM style riots and spread the Coronavirus with having inferior genes}.


Russia China and the New World Order | George Galloway, Rana Mitter, Stephen King

Mar 12, 2018


 The new Chinese world order – VPRO documentary – 2016

Jul 23, 2017


North Korea and the New World Order | Mark Leonard

Apr 22, 2019


Exclusive: Docs reveal why CCP refuses to be transparent about virus origin. Over 8,000 quarantined

May 15, 2020


Trump on escalating protests: Violence is being led by Antifa, radical groups

May 30, 2020


 In Klamath Falls, Oregon, victory declared over antifa, which never showed up

June 6, 2020

Towns from Washington state to Indiana have seen armed groups begin patrolling the streets after rumors spread on social media about an antifa invasion.


 Pro-CCP mayor voted out of office; US to ban Huawei from chipmakers; China threatens to retaliate

Jun 8, 2020


 Steve Bannon in 2013: Joseph McCarthy was right in crusade against Communist infiltration



McCarthy was right to fear communist takeover [Letter]

Apr 23, 2014


McCarthy was right about Russia



The Accident of McCarthyism

 April 20, 2020

Many Americans were dazzled by Joseph McCarthy’s accusations, crusade, and theatrics. It took the impassioned words of one man to stop him.


Israeli lawmaker says McCarthy was right



 Jewish Bolshevism

Jewish Bolshevism, also Judeo–Bolshevism, is an anti-communist and antisemitic canard, which alleges that the Jews were the originators of the Russian Revolution in 1917, and that they held primary power among the Bolsheviks who led the revolution. Similarly, the conspiracy theory of Jewish Communism alleges that Jews have dominated the Communist movements in the world, and is related to The Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory (ZOG), which alleges that Jews control world politics.

In 1917, after the Russian Revolution, the antisemitic canard was the title of the pamphlet, The Jewish Bolshevism, which featured in the racist propaganda of the anti-communist White movement forces during the Russian Civil War (1918–1922). During the 1930s, the Nazi Party in Germany and the German American Bund in the United States propagated the antisemitic theory to their followers, sympathisers, and fellow travellers. In Poland, the tem “Żydokomuna”, was an antisemitic opinion that the Jews had a disproportinally high influence in the administration of the Communist Poland. In far-right politics, the antisemitic canards of “Jewish Bolshevism”, “Jewish Communism”, and the “Zionist Occupation Government” (ZOG) conspiracy theory are catchwords falsely asserting that Communism is a Jewish conspiracy.

Jewish involvement in Russian Communism

Main articles: History of the Jews in Russia and History of the Jews in the Soviet Union

Antisemitism in the Russian Empire existed both culturally and institutionally. The Jews were restricted to live within the Pale of Settlement, and suffered pogroms.

As a result, many Jews supported gradual or revolutionary changes within the Russian Empire. Those movements ranged among the far left (Jewish Anarchism, Bundists, Bolsheviks, Mensheviks,) and moderate left (Trudoviks) and constitutionalist (Constitutional Democrats) parties. According to the 1922 Bolshevik party census, there were 19,564 Jewish Bolsheviks, comprising 5.21% of the total, and in the 1920s of the 417 members of the Central Executive Committee, the party Central Committee, the Presidium of the Executive of the Soviets of the USSR and the Russian Republic, the People’s Commissars, 6% were ethnic Jews. Between 1936 and 1940, during the Great Purge, Yezhovshchina and after the rapprochement with Nazi Germany, Stalin had largely eliminated Jews from senior party, government, diplomatic, security and military positions.

Some scholars have grossly exaggerated Jewish presence in the Soviet Communist Party. For example, Alfred Jensen said that in the 1920s “75 per cent of the leading Bolsheviks” were “of Jewish origin”.[better source needed] According to Aaronovitch, “a cursory examination of membership of the top committees shows this figure to be an absurd exaggeration”.


Was the Russian Revolution Jewish?


A hundred years after the Bolsheviks swept to power, historians and contemporaries still struggle to understand the prominent role played by Jews.


What was the Jewish role in 1917 Russian Revolution? This Moscow museum gives a full picture.



Why Did Russian Jews Support the Bolshevik Revolution?



Stop Press: Jewish Bolsheviks to blame for Holocaust

7 Sep 2009


The Return of “Judeo-Bolshevism”


Opinion: I Rage at Bernie Sanders, the Last Jewish Bolshevik. But I Can’t Hate Him



 ‘Jewish Bolshevism’ and Russo‐German relations in 1933: A documentary note

19 Jun 2008



{We edited the following videos to show evidence of how first world nations are being destroyed by the Communist Party and Communist fake Jews/Gypsies}.


Holocaust Investigation Marathon 1 – Michael Ross speaks


Holocaust Investigation Marathon 2 – The Holocaust Industry


Holocaust Investigation Marathon 3 – The Gas Chambers Debunked


Holocaust Investigation Marathon 4 – The Gas Chamber Myth


The Allied Bombings – Holocaust Investigation Marathon 5


The Gas Chambers Debunked – Holocaust Investigation Marathon 6


Holocaust Hoax – Holocaust Investigation Marathon 7


Truth of WWII – Holocaust Investigation Marathon 8


Noahide Laws – Holocaust Investigation Marathon 9


David Irving – Holocaust Investigation Marathon 10


6 Million Lies – Holocaust Investigation Marathon 11


Propaganda in the Media – Holocaust Investigation Marathon 12


David Irving: WW II History – Holocaust Investigation Marathon 13


David Irving’s Lecture – Holocaust Investigation Marathon 14


Holocaust Investigation Marathon 15


Forensic Evidence – Holocaust Investigation Marathon 16


Holocaust Investigation Marathon 17 – History


WW II – Holocaust Investigation Marathon 18


Holocaust Investigation Marathon 19 – 6 Million Lies


Russian Communist Jews – Holocaust Investigation Marathon 20


Motives – Holocaust Investigation Marathon 21


The Alleged Gas Chambers – Holocaust Investigation Marathon 22


German Media – Holocaust Investigation Marathon 23


World Defeated the Wrong Enemy – Holocaust Investigation Marathon 24


Holocaust Investigation Marathon 25 – World Defeated the Wrong Enemy


Hitler & WW II – Holocaust Investigation Marathon 26


Holocaust Investigation Marathon 27 – World Defeated the Wrong Enemy


 Zionist Agenda – Global Western Genocide 1


Unwanted 3rd world Refugees & Muslims – Global Western Genocide 2


David Duke – Global Western Genocide 3


Unwanted Low IQ African Savages invading Europe – Global Western Genocide 4


The Jewish State in Europe – Global Western Genocide 5


Islamic Radicals invading the West – Global Western Genocide 6


Genocide of the German people by unwanted invasive Semitic Jews – Global Western Genocide 7


Muslim Savages Invade Canada – Global Western Genocide 8


Europeans Unite to take Back Europe – Global Western Genocide 9


Migration Crisis of Europe – Global Western Genocide 10


Genocide of the West & the Arab Muslim Invasion – Global Western Genocide 11


Jewish Communism & The Invasion of the West – Global Western Genocide 12


The British Royal Family & Islam – Global Western Genocide 13


Corruption in the EU Governments – Global Western Genocide Marathon 14


Corrupt Leaders of the EU – Global Western Genocide Marathon 15


Mexico Invades the American Border – Global Western Genocide Marathon 16


Mexico Invades America – Global Western Genocide Marathon 17


America, a White Ethno-State – Global Western Genocide Marathon 18


Under Siege at the American Border – Global Western Genocide Marathon 19


War against refugee & Islamic Expansion (Save the West) – Global Western Genocide Marathon 20


Keeping low IQ Third World immigrants out of America & Europe – Global Western Genocide Marathon 21


Decline of the West – Global Western Genocide Marathon 22


The Manufactured Crisis of the migrant invasion of the West – Global Western Genocide 23


Russia, Mexico & China – Global Western Genocide 24


Michael Ross calls upon the American Militia – Global Western Genocide 25


Michael Ross talks about saving America – Global Western Genocide 26


Fall of the West from 3rd World Low IQ degenerates – Global Western Genocide 27


Demanding a White Ethno-State – Global Western Genocide 28


South Africa – Global Western Genocide 29


Low IQ Third World Mobs (Caution) – Global Western Genocide 30


White Flight in Australia – Global Western Genocide 31


Global Western Genocide 32


White Nationalist Movement Grows – Global Western Genocide 33


Dysgenics & The Third World – Global Western Genocide 34


Antifa – Global Western Genocide 35


Jewish Antifa & The Anti-White Agenda – Global Western Genocide 36


Jewish Antifa finally Exposed (Jewish Communist takeover of Russia, Europe & the World) – Global Western Genocide 37


The Alt-left: Beta Males, The Soy Eaters, Low-T, Bug-men, Cowards, Weaklings & Traitors – Global Western Genocide 38


Muslims & Blacks Invade Japan, then demand they stay and ruin Japanese culture – Global Western Genocide 39



Michael Ross talks about the List of Crimes of the Zionist government of Israel – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government Part 1


The Zionist Problem Exposed – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 2


The Noahide Laws – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 3


Zionist Goals – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 4


Israel & the 9/11/2001 connection – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 5


Ashkenazi Imperialism – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 6


ISIS = Mossad – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 7


Israeli Espionage of America & the West – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 8


Illegal Nuclear Weapons & Nuclear Radiation War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 9


Terrorism – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 10


Israeli Influence in America – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 11


(Jewish Supremacy Exposed) Jews discuss why it is legal to enslave non-Jews – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 13


Jews controlling the Communist Party – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 14


Bioweapons – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 15


The Rothschilds & Illegal Nuclear Weapons – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 16


The Jesuits – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 17


Jewish Russian Communists & The Banning of Jews from Western Society – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 18


Khazar Khaganate Empire – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 19


Global Jewish Media Empires – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 20


Jews in Hollywood – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 21


Zionist Jewish Supremacism: Crimes against Humanity & the World – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 22


Noahide Laws: The One World Jewish Government – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 23


Pagan Origins of Judaism – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 24


Jews and Freemasons – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 25


True Israelis Hijacked by Zionist Agenda – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 26


True Israelis Hijacked by the Rothschild Zionist War Agenda – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 27


Rabbi: “Biological Jews Behind Open Borders for White Countries” – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 28


Jewish controlled Antifa: Attempted Genocide of the White Race – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 29


Zionists Declare a Race War on all White Nations – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 30


Talmudic Supremacy (Abolish Israel Now) – War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government 31


 Rothschild Dynasty Investigation Part 1 – Introduction


The House of Rothschild – Rothschild Dynasty Investigation 2


Secret Societies – Rothschild Dynasty Investigation Part 3


Rothschild Dynasty Investigation Part 4 – Bill Still


Rothschild Dynasty Investigation Part 5 – American Civil War


Rothschild Dynasty Investigation 6 – Global Bankers


Rothschild Dynasty Investigation 7 – Zionism


Rothschild Dynasty Investigation 8 – Oil


Rothschild Dynasty Investigation 9 – Napoleonic Wars


Rothschild Dynasty Investigation 10 – The Jesuits


Rothschild Dynasty Investigation 11 – Royals


Rothschild Dynasty Investigation 12 – Secret Societies


Rothschild Dynasty Investigation 13 – The Middle East


Rothschild Dynasty Investigation 14 – Israeli Influence


The Invasion of Europe – Rothschild Investigation 15


Jewish invasion of Europe – Rothschild Dynasty Investigation 16


Attacks against Western Culture – Rothschild Dynasty Investigation 17


Rothschild Dynasty Investigation 18 – Rothschilds, Jews and Israel


Jewish Antifa Communism – Rothschild Dynasty Investigation 19


Jewish Mafia – Rothschild Dynasty Investigation 20


Alex Jones – Rothschild Dynasty Investigation 21


Religious Noahide Laws – Rothschild Dynasty Investigation 22


The Jewish destruction of Europe – Rothschild Investigation Part 23


Jews in Germany – Rothschild Dynasty Investigation 24


The Holocaust Hoax – Rothschild Dynasty Investigation 25



 {These articles below are a continuation of this published article}.


 Race Virus 101 – The Eugenics Investigation ( The Dysgenics Investigation)


8-1-2020 – CCP Virus Investigation – Race Virus 301 – Coronavirus Investigation News


8/15/2017 – Genetically Modified Vaccines Investigated – The Eugenics Investigation (


 3/5/2019 – Race Dysgenics: Evolution, Dysgenic De-evolution, Eugenics & Genetic Modification – The History of the Lineage of Man


04/19/2018 The Dysgenics Investigation – Race, Science & the Human Genome Project – The Eugenics Investigation (Akoniti)


The Cephalic Investigation – Race Eugenics & Dysgenics – Race and Skull evolution



Eugenics 101 (Dysgenics 101) – Genetics, Race, Science, Eugenics & Dysgenics

October 15th, 2020


 Race Dysgenics Brazil | Eugenics in Brazil

 March 27th, 2020



July 7th, 2017 – Genetically Modified Humans & Viruses – The Eugenics Investigation


 4/4/2019 – The Rockefeller Dynasty Investigation 2020 – The Eugenics Investigation –


Pollution Science 101 – China


 Pollution Science 101 – Brazil – Emergency Report


Pollution Science 101 – Mexico


Pollution Science 101- Russia


Pollution Science 101 – India


Pollution Science 101 – Cancer Investigated (California)


Pollution Science 101 – Israel


 King Solomon’s Temple Investigation Marathon


Pollution Science 101 – Texas


Pollution Science 101 – Solutions


The DuPont Investigation


A Donald Trump Investigation 5-11-2016 –




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